Wood processing

Typhoon is specialized in highly reliable energy-efficient installations. The dust extraction systems, pneumatic conveyors and storage silos all have an important role to play in the efficiency of your production process and in creating a healthy working environment.

Our very low dust emission self-cleaning filters for joinery, furniture factories, kitchen manufacture, sawmills, planning mills, and laminate flooring manufacture are based on more than 60 years of experience in this sector.

Besides energy consumption and operational reliability, Typhoon is also highly committed to safety, maintenance, health and the environment.

Sector experience since 1959
ATEX-compliant installations
Energy-efficient and easily maintained systems
An extensive range per segment
Advice and support for the design of your installation
Our own assembly and maintenance service
Brand independant installations

Curious about what we can do for you?

Contact our specialists at +32 56 69 46 50 or send an email to sales@typhoon.be

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