The following statement applies to this web page. By accessing this web page you accept this disclaimer.
Privacy statement
You can visit this website without telling us who you are or providing any information about yourself. However, if you wish to contact us using our contact form or via our application page, we need your personal data to add you to our applicant, customer and/or prospect files.
Collected (personal) data is not sold or made available to third parties. You can ask us to erase your data from our files at any time.
We count the number of visitors to this website, where they come from and which internet service provider they use. The results are aggregated and are never used in a form that enables individuals to be identified.
Exclusion of liability
All information published on this web page is intended for personal use. The information provided here is subject to change and typing errors. We do our utmost to ensure the information published on this web page is as complete and accurate as possible.
Typhoon does not accept any liability for losses arising in any way from the use of incomplete or incorrect information published on this web page.
Information and recommendations published on this website may be changed without notice. We do our utmost to ensure that this web page remains available as much as possible, but we do not accept any liability for the consequences of the non-availability of this web page for any period of time.
Copyright and intellectual property rights
The copyright on this website is held by Typhoon or by third parties that have given Typhoon permission to use visual or textual elements.
Duplication in any form is not permitted without prior permission from Typhoon.
Questions and comments
Head office
Grote Heerweg 67
8791 Beveren-Leie (Warege
Tel +32 (0)56 69 46 50