Revolutionary project: converting food streams to valuable raw materials

Circular and sustainable: Typhoon is contributing to a groundbreaking project where food streams such as yeast are transformed into valuable resources.
Our client aims to create a circular process where no valuable component goes to waste.
That's why we focused on the dry part of the process, constructing 3 silos with bulk truck loading, a big bag unloading station with weighing buffer, and pneumatic conveying systems between different process steps.

At Typhoon, we ensured that the entire project was executed using high-quality materials that comply with strict food safety standards.

We are proud to be part of these innovative solutions.
Together with our client, we are taking steps towards a circular economy, where valuable food streams are fully utilized. 

Curious about what we can do for you?

Contact our specialists at +32 56 69 46 50 or send an email to

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