Digital printing

Typhoon was involved in the ‘digital printing’ project for a brand new production hall. Here, a printer is used to print the desired designs onto MDF and HDF boards.

Before this, the panels are sanded and receive a number of treatments.

The connection of all these machines was divided into 2 separate installations. In the first installation, the dust is sucked up from the untreated boards. This dust is then used as fuel and serves as an energy source for neighbouring plants. The second installation collects the dust from treated panels. This is disposed of externally as a waste stream. For both installations, a self-cleaning filter was used for a total air flow of 115,000 m³/h. Fans were installed per installation with a capacity of 90 kW and 110 kW respectively.

The collected dust is transported to various containers via a pneumatic conveyor. An automatic spark detection and extinguishing system was provided for extra safety.

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