Dust extraction for joinery

In addition to import, export and distribution of honey, our customer is also a manufacturer of beekeeping materials.
Their workshop expertly produces every imaginable device, appliance and ready-to-wear item required for keeping bees.
With the arrival of a new building, the customer has chosen to install one central dust extractor instead of having various portable bag filters.

Typhoon has installed a negative pressure filter together with a high-efficiency fan that is controlled according to the desired flow rate.
Since 30 different machines had to be connected, we installed one central pipeline in the hall.
The installation has a capacity of 30,000 m³/h and the filtered air is blown back inwards to ensure no heat loss in the winter.
The residues can be transported into a container or to a briquette press

Curious about what we can do for you?

Contact our specialists at +32 56 69 46 50 or send an email to sales@typhoon.be

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