Wear protection in concrete mixer

For the production of prefabricated walls in industrial concrete, our customer must be able to rely on solid and durable material.

One of the tools they use are their concrete mixers.

After a production period of about 8 years, where the customer itself had carried out the necessary (temporary) repairs, their concrete mixers needed a refresher.

First, the existing lining was removed after which the mixer was sandblasted for a perfect result, that way a good surface is created on which the wear coating can be applied.

Then the new, preformed Tyceram 92 wear coating was fixed with epoxy glue to the bottom and the release valve.

In addition, new sealing irons and bottom rings in Tymetall 100 were attached to the mixer.

All this was manufactured in our own production facility.

This complete refurbishment allows the customer to continue for a number of years without the need for maintenance of the mixer bowl.


Curious about what we can do for you?

Contact our specialists at +32 56 69 46 50 or send an email to sales@typhoon.be

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