Air recuperation for factory

Typhoon installed an air recuperation system for a very large producer of grain products for the food industry.
Boiling, grinding, flaking, toasting, crushing, extruding flakes, popping, ... they can do everything.
The establishment has four divisions: the oat and barley husking plant, maize mill, cereal flaking unit and the extrusion department.

In the production tower of the oat husking plant, a lot of air is removed from the various machines and pour points. Because of this, the tower was under enormous pressure. Typhoon was asked to find a solution to compensate for this volume of air, across the various floors of the tower.

As a solution, all outlet pipes were provided with individually controlled register valves. This means that all the pipes can be connected to one central main pipe. A filter box was positioned on the upper roofs of the tower for the post-filtering of this quantity of air. Two fans with a total flow of 133,000 m³/h bring the air back down to the different floors.

In the second phase, three fans of 90,000m³/h each were installed to distribute the air in the maize plant and port peeling plant.
The air was filtered and distributed to all floors of the building. 
The amount of fresh air that can be taken in from outside can be selected via valves. This makes it possible to work with recuperated heated air from inside in winter.

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